June 30th, 2023
by Coaches' Wives Ministry
by Coaches' Wives Ministry

I had been floundering in my walk with the Lord. I was not consistent in my Bible reading, and I excused my devotional time away. “I have three small children, a stepson with a demanding timeshare schedule, I work full time, and I need to support my coach.” I had no real reading plan and could not understand why I was feeling anxious, angry, defeated, and overloaded all the time. I went to church every Sunday, but something was missing.
When my husband became a head coach in 2021, I knew that if I did not get support I would crack and would not be able to handle his blessing and new responsibilities. Thankfully, my deep need was answered. I searched and found the Coaches Wives Ministry, signed up right way, and started the Zoom Bible Study. I listened most of the time, processing that there were other women going through the same coaching struggles, wanting to know the Lord and supporting their husband’s mission. Well, I got my first magazine and read about the Cover Girl Project- reading the Bible cover to cover. I was barely reading my Bible daily, yet here was the plan to read every day. How?
I sat on it, I listened to the ladies on zoom talk about it, and my head knew that I should really start trying to read. New Year’s Day 2022 came along, and I decided to make it my resolution to read the Bible intentionally. I got a Bible in One Year plan and started reading it every day, thinking that I might not finish all of it, but at least I was reading. That decision has transformed my life.
I just finished the Bible in May of 2023, in a little more than one year. I can honestly say that I would not have made it through the challenges of the last year without the presence of God and His Word. The Word of God has convicted me of my own sins, and has shown me the continued restoration that Jesus provides.
I can relate to the Israelites, understand the longing of the Minor Prophets, and I can see how everything points towards Jesus. I can give thanks for the life of David and find so much peace in the Psalms. I am so looking forward to reading His Word again and again. Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. His Word exposes our innermost thoughts and desires."
I am so grateful for the push that Coaches' Wives Ministry has given me to seek the Lord, know His word and serve Him.
-Aprille Waldrop
When my husband became a head coach in 2021, I knew that if I did not get support I would crack and would not be able to handle his blessing and new responsibilities. Thankfully, my deep need was answered. I searched and found the Coaches Wives Ministry, signed up right way, and started the Zoom Bible Study. I listened most of the time, processing that there were other women going through the same coaching struggles, wanting to know the Lord and supporting their husband’s mission. Well, I got my first magazine and read about the Cover Girl Project- reading the Bible cover to cover. I was barely reading my Bible daily, yet here was the plan to read every day. How?
I sat on it, I listened to the ladies on zoom talk about it, and my head knew that I should really start trying to read. New Year’s Day 2022 came along, and I decided to make it my resolution to read the Bible intentionally. I got a Bible in One Year plan and started reading it every day, thinking that I might not finish all of it, but at least I was reading. That decision has transformed my life.
I just finished the Bible in May of 2023, in a little more than one year. I can honestly say that I would not have made it through the challenges of the last year without the presence of God and His Word. The Word of God has convicted me of my own sins, and has shown me the continued restoration that Jesus provides.
I can relate to the Israelites, understand the longing of the Minor Prophets, and I can see how everything points towards Jesus. I can give thanks for the life of David and find so much peace in the Psalms. I am so looking forward to reading His Word again and again. Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. His Word exposes our innermost thoughts and desires."
I am so grateful for the push that Coaches' Wives Ministry has given me to seek the Lord, know His word and serve Him.
-Aprille Waldrop
*Aprille lives in Merritt Island, FL with her husband and 4 children, ages 3, 5, 8, and 15. Her husband, Ben is currently the head football coach at Cocoa Beach High School. Aprille is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and serves as the Manager for Social Services for Hospice of Health First.
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